“The beauty of distant healing lies in its universal accessibility, offering individuals the opportunity to experience the power of energy healing from anywhere on the globe.” Greg Senecki, RM

I offer a variety of distant healing services to support your well-being and inner balance. I utilize the power of distant healing to channel energy across time and space, providing a transformative and nurturing experience.
Unlimited Distant Energy Healing
Unlock the ultimate healing experience with Unlimited Distant Energy Healing, the world’s largest and most powerful healing group.

1st and 2nd-degree certified reiki practitioner (#37526) by the International Center for Reiki Training Sierra Madre, CA in 2005, 3rd degree Certified Reiki Master Teacher by David Scarbrough OH in 2005
I’d also been attuned to: New Usui Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, Lavender Flame, Silver Violet Flame, Karuna Ki Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Imara Reiki, Green Tara Seichim, Golden Ray Empowerment, Gold Reiki, Axiatonal Lines Connection, Higher Self Joy/Bliss Connection, The Orb of Life.
In distant healing, I often connect with my clients via an Angelic Sphere of Light and/or Reiki Chi Balls.
To contact me, regarding distant healing, please email me contactMasterGreg@gmail.com