Discover answers to common questions about Greg Senecki RM, a renowned expert in the carnivore diet and spiritual healing. Learn about his approach to integrating nutrition and spirituality, distant energy healing services, and how to start your journey toward optimal health and spiritual growth.

“The beauty of distant healing lies in its universal accessibility, offering ​individuals the opportunity to experience the power of energy healing from ​anywhere on the globe.” Greg Senecki, RM

Who is Greg Senecki?

Greg Senecki is a Polish-American holistic healing practitioner and Reiki Master known for his expertise in distant energy healing. He is based in The United States of America and operates the website, which integrates the carnivore diet with spiritual practices to enhance personal well-being and spiritual growth. Senecki offers various distant healing services, leveraging his extensive experience in Reiki and other healing modalities to support clients’ physical, emotional, and spiritual health. He also owns the Holistic Art Studio on Etsy, where he provides affordable holistic solutions and healing services. Senecki’s approach to healing and diet is designed to foster a profound connection with the divine, offering a transformative journey toward vitality and spiritual fulfillment. Additionally, he is active on social media platforms like X, where he showcases his remote healing services.

How does Greg Senecki integrate the carnivore diet with spirituality?

Greg Senecki integrates the carnivore diet with spirituality by combining the nutritional benefits of the diet with distant energy healing practices. This approach aims to achieve a holistic state of well-being, encompassing physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual balance. The carnivore diet, which emphasizes nutrient-dense animal products, is believed to enhance brain function, mental clarity, and physical strength, all of which are crucial for effective energy healing. Senecki’s method involves using the carnivore diet to fuel the body optimally, thereby supporting the mental focus and emotional stability needed for spiritual practices. The diet is said to reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar levels, leading to improved cognitive function, which enhances the ability to engage deeply with energy healing processes. By nourishing the body with high-quality animal products, individuals can better absorb and integrate the benefits of distant energy healing, achieving a harmonious balance between body and spirit. This unique integration is part of Senecki’s broader philosophy at, where diet and spirituality are blended to foster a profound connection with the divine, offering a transformative journey toward vitality and spiritual fulfillment.

Can you share more about Greg Senecki’s experience with Reiki?

Greg Senecki has extensive experience with Reiki, having been certified as a 1st and 2nd-degree Reiki practitioner by the International Center for Reiki Training in Sierra Madre, California, in 2005. He further advanced his skills by becoming a 3rd-degree Certified Reiki Master Teacher under David Scarbrough of Ohio the same year. In addition to his foundational Reiki training, Senecki has been attuned to various other energy healing modalities, including New Usui Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, Lavender Flame, Silver Violet Flame, Karuna Ki Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Imara Reiki, Green Tara Seichim, Golden Ray Empowerment, Gold Reiki, Axiatonal Lines Connection, Higher Self Joy/Bliss Connection, and The Orb of Life. His approach to Reiki involves using distant healing techniques, often connecting with clients through an Angelic Sphere of Light or Reiki Chi Balls to channel energy across time and space, providing a transformative and nurturing healing experience.

What are the main principles of Greg Senecki’s energy healing approach?

Greg Senecki’s energy healing approach is centered around several key principles that integrate distant healing techniques with spiritual practices:

  1. Distant Healing: Senecki emphasizes the universal accessibility of distant healing, allowing individuals to experience energy healing from anywhere in the world. This involves channeling energy across time and space to provide a transformative and nurturing experience.
  2. Use of Angelic Sphere of Light: In his distant healing sessions, Senecki often utilizes the Angelic Sphere of Light, a luminous, energetic vehicle that transports healing energies from the universe or divine consciousness directly to the recipient. This sphere acts as a divine conduit, ensuring that the purest form of healing energy reaches the individual.
  3. Reiki and Other Modalities: Senecki is a certified Reiki Master and incorporates various energy healing modalities, including New Usui Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, and others, to enhance the energy flow throughout the body and improve overall well-being.
  4. Holistic Integration: His approach combines the regenerative power of the carnivore diet with distant energy healing, promoting a holistic state of well-being that encompasses physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual balance.

These principles are designed to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, offering a comprehensive path to wellness and spiritual fulfillment.

How does Greg Senecki’s use of the Angelic Sphere of Light enhance healing?

Greg Senecki’s use of the Angelic Sphere of Light enhances healing by serving as a powerful conduit for divine energy, facilitating a comprehensive healing experience across physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. This ethereal sphere acts as a divine vehicle, carrying universal life force energy to the recipient, thereby recharging and replenishing their energies. The Angelic Sphere of Light addresses energetic imbalances and blockages within the body, promoting physical healing by supporting the body’s natural processes, alleviating pain, and reducing inflammation. Emotionally, it helps release deep-seated blockages, allowing individuals to process and heal their emotions, leading to mental clarity and resilience. Spiritually, the Angelic Sphere of Light connects individuals to higher realms, facilitating spiritual awakening and enhancing intuition and insight. It also provides protection, creating a barrier against negative energies and empowering individuals with inner strength and confidence. By engaging with this divine energy, individuals can experience profound healing and growth, achieving a harmonious balance between their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves.

How does Greg Senecki charge the Angelic Sphere of Light?

Greg Senecki charges the Angelic Sphere of Light by channeling healing energies from the universe or divine consciousness into the sphere. This process involves envisioning the Angelic Sphere of Light as a luminous, energetic vehicle that acts as a divine conduit for healing energies. Once the sphere is fully charged with these energies, it is prepared to deliver a powerful recharge and replenishment of the recipient’s universal life force energy. The charging process is guided by the healer’s intention, which sets the frequency and purpose of the energy. Angelic beings or higher spiritual entities are often invoked to assist in maintaining the purity and potency of the healing energy within the sphere. These beings act as intermediaries, ensuring the energy is tailored to the specific needs of the individual, providing a customized and effective healing experience. Once charged, the sphere is sent to the recipient, who must consciously accept the healing to initiate the flow of energy.

What specific techniques does Greg use to channel energies into the Angelic Sphere of Light?

Greg Senecki uses several techniques to channel energies into the Angelic Sphere of Light for distant healing:

  1. Visualization: Greg envisions the Angelic Sphere of Light as a luminous, energetic vehicle that can transport healing energies.
  2. Intention setting: He uses his intention to prepare the sphere to deliver a powerful recharge and replenishment of universal life force energy.
  3. Channeling divine energies: Greg channels healing energies from the universe or divine consciousness directly into the sphere.
  4. Invocation of angelic beings: He likely invokes angelic beings or higher spiritual entities to assist in maintaining the purity and potency of the healing energy within the sphere.
  5. Energy amplification: The Angelic Sphere of Light is used to absorb and amplify the healing vibrations, creating a potent reservoir of divine energy.
  6. Customization: Greg tailors the energy in the sphere to the specific needs of the individual recipient.

What are the benefits of receiving energy from the Angelic Sphere of Light?

Receiving energy from the Angelic Sphere of Light offers several key benefits:

  1. Physical healing: It can address energetic imbalances and blockages in the body, supporting natural healing processes, alleviating pain, and reducing inflammation.
  2. Emotional release: The Angelic Sphere of Light helps release deep-seated emotional blockages, allowing individuals to process and heal their emotions, leading to greater mental clarity and emotional resilience.
  3. Spiritual awakening: It facilitates a deeper connection to the divine, expanding consciousness and providing a greater understanding of one’s purpose and life path.
  4. Enhanced intuition and insight: By attuning to higher frequencies, can enhance intuitive abilities and provide valuable insights into various aspects of life.
  5. Protection and empowerment: The Angelic Sphere of Light creates a protective barrier against negative energies, fostering inner strength and confidence.
  6. Energy recharge: It delivers a powerful recharge and replenishment of universal life force energy.
  7. Clearing blockages: The energy works on multiple levels of one’s being, clearing blockages and enhancing overall energy flow.
  8. Stress relief: Angelic healing can help release stress and promote relaxation, which is particularly beneficial for those in high-stress jobs.
  9. Creativity boost: By removing energy blocks in the mind and spirit, it can help unleash creativity.
  10. Karmic release: It may assist in releasing karmic debts and clearing negative patterns.

What preparation is needed before receiving energy from the Angelic Sphere of Light?

  1. Create a sacred space: Choose a quiet, serene environment where you won’t be disturbed. Enhance the atmosphere by lighting candles, playing soothing music, or burning incense if possible.
  2. Set your intention: Take a moment to clarify your purpose for the healing session. You can do this through prayer, verbal invocation, or focused thoughts on connecting with the angelic realm.
  3. Open your mind and heart: Approach the experience with an open and receptive attitude. Trust that the angels are present and ready to help, even if you can’t see or sense them directly.
  4. Relax your body and mind: Practice deep breathing or meditation to calm your thoughts and create a state of inner peace. This helps you become more receptive to the healing energies.
  5. Visualize protection: Imagine a white light surrounding your body like an eggshell to protect your energy field.
  6. Clear your energy: Visualize a waterfall of white or clear light flowing over your entire aura to cleanse your energy field.
  7. Connect with your intuition: Trust your inner guidance and any sensations or impressions you may receive during the healing process.
  8. Express gratitude: Before the session, take a moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to receive angelic healing

Why in distant healing accepting the healing session is important?

  1. Creating receptivity: Acceptance opens the recipient’s mind and energy field, making them more receptive to the healing energies being sent. This allows for better flow and integration of the healing vibrations.
  2. Overcoming skepticism: By consciously accepting the session, the recipient can temporarily suspend disbelief or skepticism, which might otherwise create energetic barriers to the healing process.
  3. Aligning intention: Acceptance helps align the recipient’s intention with that of the healer, creating a stronger connection and a more focused healing experience.
  4. Facilitating energy flow: When the recipient accepts the session, it allows for a smoother flow of energy between the healer and the recipient, even across distances.
  5. Addressing subconscious blocks: Conscious acceptance can help overcome subconscious resistance or blockages that might impede the healing process.
  6. Enhancing effectiveness: Studies have shown that patients who are open and receptive to healing often experience better outcomes, regardless of the modality used.
  7. Establishing energetic connection: Acceptance acts as a form of permission, allowing the healer to establish a stronger energetic connection with the recipient.
  8. Maximizing benefits: By fully accepting the session, the recipient is more likely to experience and integrate the full range of benefits offered by distant healing.
  9. Promoting active participation: Acceptance encourages the recipient to be an active participant in their own healing process, rather than a passive receiver.
  10. Creating sacred space: By accepting the session, the recipient helps create a sacred, intentional space for healing to occur, even when physically distant from the healer.

Unlimited Distant Energy Healing

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Greg’s Healing Shop on Etsy:

Greg’s holistic education:

1st and 2nd-degree certified reiki practitioner (#37526) by the International ​Center for Reiki Training Sierra Madre, CA in 2005, 3rd degree Certified Reiki Master Teacher by David Scarbrough OH in 2005

I’d also been attuned to: New Usui Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, Lavender ​Flame, Silver Violet Flame, Karuna Ki Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Imara Reiki, Green ​Tara Seichim, Golden Ray Empowerment, Gold Reiki, Axiatonal Lines ​Connection, Higher Self Joy/Bliss Connection, The Orb of Life.

In distant healing, I often connect with my clients via an Angelic Sphere of Light and/or ​Reiki Chi Balls.

To contact me, regarding distant healing, please email me


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